
The Beirut Classic Riders were founded in October 2018. The Lebanese community is based in the largest city and has an exponential number of members. The group meets regularly during weekends for local rides and gatherings.

Because of its beautiful weather and fascinating roads, Lebanon is a perfect hub for motorcycles. From Harleys to Vespas, Beirut has it all. Classic and retro Motorcycles came to prominence couple of years ago when riders started to be inspired by vintage bikes designs and went back to the roots.

Today, this community is growing fast and in need of an umbrella where those riders can meet, connect and share stories. And that’s how Beirut Classic Riders was born. #beirutclassicriders #brcr
To join the Beirut Classic Riders, follow the link to our Facebook group HERE
See also the community goodies HERE


The BCR is led by our friends Kamal and Alain

Kamal Hachem
Profession: Art Director
Studies: BA & MA in Graphic Design
Date of Birth: 1980
Rides: Ural Gear Up, SWM Silver vase, SWM Gran Milano
An artist since birth, in love in everything related to visual communication and
design, from painting, ads, augmented reality to architecture, interior design and
A father of two! Away from family he spends his time researching, searching,
exploring and riding his motorcycles.

Alain Ouaijan
Profession: Musician
Studies: BA in Arts
Date of Birth: 1979
Rides: Moto Guzzi V7
A music passionate since a young age. Left everything and followed his passion. A
full-time musician and composer. He traveled the world playing music in many cities.
This boosted his cultural knowledge.
A vintage and retro freak! Spends his time composing, researching, watching classic
motorcycles clips and documentaries and definitely riding...




Beirut Classic Riders




Beirut Classic Riders



Visit our store to get a cool Tee Shirt and represent the community !
Beirut Classic Riders



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