The Buenos Aires Classic Riders were founded in February 2019. The Argentinian community is based in the largest city of the country and has an exponential number of members. The group meets regularly during week ends for local rides but also early in the morning for the Early Rides. Follow them on Instagram and see the different pages for pics of the rides !
To join the Buenos Aires Classic Riders, follow the link to our Facebook group HERE
See also the community goodies HERE
The BARC community is led by our friend Nacho and Agustin Vazquez !
Hi, I'm Nacho and I live in the city of Buenos Aires, a beautiful place to make friends and go out on a motorcycle. My first motorcycle was a Yamaha mini trail that my father bought me when I was 16. Then came a Kawasaki gto 110 and a Suzuki rm 125 and many more ... but now 4 Stroke.
The pleasure and fun that I feel riding my motorcycle is indescribable and the friends that I have met throughout the motorcycle world are the closest.
Today I have to host the Buenos Aires Classic Riders and it is a great pleasure for me to organize rides and meetings and to feel part of a global community which has allowed me to strengthen ties with people from all over the world. I have even traveled and met personally. a few.
So, come on I invite you to join the fastest growing community that spreads throughout the whole world

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